
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

T-Shirt ReFashion (NO SEW!)

*I apologize in advance for the picture quality. Uploading these photos to my old computer really ruined the quality*

I love re-fashioning t-shirts. I've done many before, but this is the first one I did on my own, with out a tutorial! 
This was my first run. 
I used one of my absolute favorite shirts on it, so I am super happy that it turned out okay! 
However, since it was a test run, I didn't take any picture of the process. 

This was so easy, and fast. I did it all (including taking pictures) during an episode of The Office.
I am not at all handy with a sewing machine, and when I sew by hand the needle is drawn to my fingers like they're little pin cushions, so I used a hot glue gun! (I know what you're thinking "Who hot glues their clothes? Does that even work?" The answer is YES! It works magically, and holds up in a washing machine too!) 

So here's what you'll need:
1. An old t-shirt you can't part ways with 
(or one that is just kinda big and unflattering) 
2. A hot glue gun, and glue sticks
3. Chalk. 

Let's get started, shall we?
Here is my not so flattering shirt that I refuse to let go of. 

Step 1: Tee to Tank
Cut the neckline and sleeves off right around the seam. Save the sleeves, they will be used for pockets!

Step2: Creating the Shape
Then draw chalk lines so. You want to make them right before the shirt curves into the armpits so that the shirt just goes straight down. 

Step 3: Cut and Paste
Now cut just before the line (on the outside part that is going to get cut off) 
You want to still have the line there for the next step! 

Turn the shirt inside out. Now, glue along the chalk line that you left showing. (The chalk line should go from the middle of where the sleeve used to be down.) I glued it from the top of the line down, only gluing little sections at a time. 

Step 4: Creating a Halter
Draw a line from arm hole to arm hole. 
And cut! 

Step 5: Chose your size. 
Draw a line with the chalk around the collar, as thin or think as you want. (I personally like it to be thinner around my neck)
And cut! 

Step 7: There's a wocket in my pocket
Cut the sleeve in half along the thinest seam line. 
Draw lines to create the shape of the pocket. 
Make sure you make both pockets the same size. 
Glue the parts OUTSIDE of the line. 
You will then fold them over and attach them to the shirt. 
This is what creates an expandable pocket
When gluing the pocket on, line each one side with the edge seem, 
and line the bottom up with the top of the bottom hem of the shirt. 

Step 8: Fall in love
Try on your new ReFashioned Tee
Wear it. Enjoy it. Take tons of pictures in it! 

I hope this helps! If you make it, I would LOVE to see pictures! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Check-In

Obsessing over:  How freaking cute this Chugg (chihuahua/pug mix) puppy is that I am going to see
Working on: Posting new things on Etsy 
Thinking about: What I should eat for dinner
Anticipating: Going in to Ludy's (a local restaurant) tomorrow to try to get a part time, kitchen job. 
Listening to:  TV
Drinking: Water, 
Wishing: Dinner would make itself! And that you guys will go check out my new etsy posts!